Tag: Freelance

  • The Daily News: WordPress 2.7 and pricing your projects


    How about we start the day with some twitter inspiration. Use the link to check out some creative twitter backgrounds and get some inspiration for designing your own. I know mine could sure use a refresh. Next up today is some feature previews for WordPress 2.7, which I am really excited about. Overall the interface…

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  • The Daily News: Stolen designs, site conversion, and usability


    Let’s start today with an article from Freelance Switch (FSW) on Intellectual Property Resources. All of us designers get worried about our design work getting stolen. It seems that when this happens it’s hard to do much about it. The list provided by FSW gives you places to find your legal rights. Second up is…

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  • Onsite or Offsite: Which type of freelancer works for you?


    Lots of small business need continuing maintenance on their websites. For some it makes sense to have your employees or yourself do the edits and updates that need to be done. Sometimes though it takes someone that has more technical knowledge in web design to do the edits for you. When you are at the…

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  • Freelancers Make yourself Accessible


    A number of my readers are freelancers. We are always trying to find ways to get more work in the door with the least amount of effort. Often for freelancers that means using email. I would often much rather talk to a client via email than over the phone. It’s quick and I can fit…

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