I’d love to only take my iPad on my back when visiting clients, unfortunately I often end up needing to do some coding at the same time. I’ve read about a few programmers using some remote desktop solution with their iPad to program, but that’s not really using an iPad as your development solution. Koding is trying to solve that.

While all the features certainly look awesome there are a few things that give me pause. The fact that they tout it as a ‘free’ service means I’m never going to rely on it. If they have no way to make money how do I know that they are going to be around?

Putting aside the lack of a business model, the service looks pretty awesome. I’d probably want to add a Bluetooth keyboard to my iPad but after that full WordPress development would be easy. I wouldn’t need to stick the extra weight of my laptop on my back for the 50km commute to the next town. It would also be really easy to use any machine around since the whole development install is online. Using your large screen desktop at home and a small MacBook Air no longer has the hassle of syncing databases and files.

If they have some sort of business model I’d be interested in the service. So yes Koding, I’m asking you to charge me money to use the service.